Greater San Antonio’s First Choice for Maintenance

Like your routine check-up at the doctor, regular maintenance visits for your vehicle ensure your car stays healthy. It gives you, and your technician, an opportunity to catch any trouble brewing before it becomes a significant problem. Regular routine maintenance can save you hundreds, maybe thousands, on future repairs. Routine scheduled preventive maintenance is probably the most critical thing you can do for the well-being of your vehicle.
Our friendly service advisors can even determine a quality maintenance schedule for your vehicle based on its age, mileage, driving habits, vehicle purpose, and manufacturer recommendations.
Your vehicle, no matter the make or model, is not just a machine. It is a complicated group of technology that needs to work together. Belden’s Automotive & Tires maintenance services in San Antonio and Boerne can help your vehicle run stronger, longer. With ASE certified technicians, a commitment to outstanding customer service, appointment scheduling and shuttle service, we’ll keep you rolling!
Count On Belden’s For All These Auto Maintenance Services, And More!
- Air Filter Replacement
- All Fluid Checks & Top Offs
- Battery Check & Inspection
- Brake System Services
- Computer Diagnostics
- Driveability Inspection & Diagnostic
- Electrical Diagnostics
- Exhaust System Inspection
- Heating, Ventilation, & AC
- Hose & Belt Inspections & Replacements
- Lighting Systems
- Lube Services
- Oil & Filter Changes
- State Inspections
- Steering & Suspension System
- Tire Rotation, Balance, & Alignment
- Tune-ups
- Windshield Wiper Inspection
- 30, 60, 90k Interval Services
Performed by our Factory Trained Technicians and backed by a 24 Month, 24,000 Mile Nationwide Warranty (even diesel!)
It is possible to avoid repair needs! Call or stop by one of our seven Belden’s Automotive & Tires locations today. We’re honored for the chance to earn your business!